
About Law & Attorney

Lawino began in 1990, when Tom Lincoln and Randy Gustafson left their former firm to start their own partnership. LGC was then known as Lincoln & Gustafson, working primarily on insurance defense cases for several insurers. As the firm’s reputation for superior work grew, so did the firm’s caseload, which led to the firm hiring several associates. One of those associates was Ted Cercos, who was hired in April of 1997.

Ted proved to be an outstanding associate, and an even better partner. Ultimately, the firm became Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos in April of 1998.

  • Warning of updated legal risks for customers
  • Work professionally and quickly
  • If you don't win, we don't take money.

Services We Provide

If you are accused of committing a crime, you will need the very best criminal defense attorneys in Fresno. We are especially skilled in the following practice areas.


Compilazione e dichiarazione di successione. Trasferimenti di diritti reali e degli obblighi del de cuius.
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Servizi Legali

Consulenza legale esperta, redazione accurata di contratti e assistenza legale per garantire una solida protezione legale.
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Servizi Telematici

Gestione contratti d'affitto, cassetto fiscale, comunicazione coordinate del proprio conto (bancario o postale) per l'accredito rimborsi, assistenza su irregolarità e pagamenti..
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Revisione Contabile

Controllo contabile e revisone del bilancio d’esercizio e consolidato, revisione per startup e PMI innovative, certificazioni legali.
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Operatività Estera

Operazioni con l’estero per vendite e incassi, fatture di acquisto ricevute ed invio allo SDI, intrastat e lettere di intento per esportatori.
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Crisi D’Impresa

Analisi e pianificazione finanziaria, valutazione della ristrutturazione, monitoraggio e reporting finanziario.
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Meet Our Team

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake.

Contact Form

    * i campi contassegnati con l'asterisco, sono obbligatori

    Contact Info

    • Address:
    • 132 New York Street NY
    • Working Hours:
    • Mon to Sat – 9:00am to 6:00pm


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